With our cloud-based 3D Visualization Platform

Save costs on 3D Floorplans.

Our technology automates the production of 3D Floorplans typically used in
Brochures, Websites and PDF Presentations.

How It Works?

By creating a 3D model of an apartment, house, or office, we can generate a “Digital Twin” in the hauzd cloud.

From there, our technology can automatically produce 3D images of any unit and amenity in your project, available in various formats and resolutions.

You can download these images directly from our Admin Panel.

isometrics views for real estate

3D Floorplans Benefits

The images provide a unique and visually appealing way to represent architectural spaces.

Effective marketing tools: 

For real estate developers and brokers, 3D Floorplan images are indispensable marketing materials for marketing.

They are often incorporated into digital and printed brochures, websites, sales floors and presentations to attract potential buyers by giving them a quick, visual understanding of their future home.